Daniela Miscov



Secondary Scool: Şcoala Centrală; Bucharest; between 1978. - 1982., graduated in 1982.

Bucharest University, Department of Romanian Literature and Language, graduated in 1986.

Qualification: Teacher of Romanian Literature and Grammar


Further training

Degree courses: Bucharest University, Department of Romanian Literature and Language

from June to September 1989.

Qualification: Trained Teacher of Romanian Literature and Grammar


Work Experience

Present job

Name and address of employer organization: Teatrul Ion Creanga,

Dates employed: from 11.01.1994. to Present

Description of work: Artistic consultant, Project coordinator


Responsibilities and Accomplishments

- Organised the project 6 Theatre workshops for primary school teachers in Bucharest, 2001.

- Teatrul Ion  Creanga participation in the International seminar about The role of storytelling in a multicultural Europe, Greece, Zakynthos island; 2002.

- Teatrul Ion Creanga participation in the Magic Pencil project organised by British Council Bucharest; 2003.

- Teatrul Ion  Creanga participation in the Project Let me tell you a story! in Bucharest kindergartens, 2003.

- Coordinated Romanian participation to Epicentre projects, starting 2003.

- Coordinated Teatrul Ion Creanga activities for Learning Tolerance and Spect-actors for non-discrimination-projects initiated by Chance for Life Foundation, starting 2004., based on social theatre performances

- Teatrul Ion Creanga PR Manager in the multiannual European project, coordinated by Fondazione Aida, Italy: Training on stage. A new working experience model with competencies evaluation in performing arts, in the framework of the programme Leonardo da Vinci II, launched in October 2004.

- Project coordinator from the part of Teatrul Ion Creanga in Small size, the net and Small size, big citizens, multiannual European project in the framework of Culture 2000 and respectively, Culture, coordinated by La Baracca, Testoni Ragazzi, starting 2006.

- Coordinator of foreign relations for the 100, 1000, 1000 000 Stories International Theatre Festival for Children, organised annually by Teatrul Ion Creanga, in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

- Coordinator of Early Age section of the festival, in 2009.

- Secretary general of ASSITEJ Romania, since October 2006.


Former Jobs

Field researcher and editor at The National Center of Folk Tradition, 1993.

Literary manager at Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Municipal Theatre in Bucharest, 1990. - 1993.


Job-related licencies and certificates

- Diploma for Cultural Management Training acknowledged by the Romanian Ministry of Culture, Nomisma SpA Italy, Infogroup Consulting Greece, International Management Foundation Romania, issued on 09.03.2001.

- Cultural Management Trainer Certificate - acknowledged by the Romanian Ministry of Culture, Nomisma SpA Italy, Infogroup Consulting Greece, International Management Foundation Romania, 2001

- Certificate for attending the seminar on Training of Trainers in Cultural Management- acknowledged by the International Management Foundation Romania and Ecume Association, 2001.

- Certificate for attending the specialized training programme in cultural management, acknowledged by Infogroup Consulting Greece and Nomisma SpA Italy, 2000.

- Certificate for attending the training programme on Basics of Cultural Management, acknowledged by International Management Foundation Romania and Ecume Association, 2000.

- Certificate for participation to the workshop Audience Development, acknowledged by Andrew McIntyre, Lecturer/Consultant at Morris Hargreaves McIntyre Manchester, UK and Raluca Teodorescu, Project Manager at Toaca Studio for Contemporary Arts, Bucharest, Romania, 2002.


Special skills and abilities


English and American studies of medieval, modern and contemporary history translated for All Publishing House, starting 1996. ( The Power Game: How Washington works by Hedrick Smith, 1998; For the President's Eyes only, Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush by Christopher Andrew, 1998., The Wars of the Roses and the Yorkist Kings by John Warren, 2001., Elisabeth I and the government of England by Keith Randell, 2001; The First World War 1914. - 1918. by Vyvyen Brandon, 2003.),a story for children: Mary Dracula by Alice Rose, 2007. 2 theatre plays-Brother Karamazov by Richard Crane, in 1991. and Meg and Mog Show by David Wood, 1994.

Writing experience

Theatre reviews and articles published in Romania Liberă newspaper and Teatrul azi magazine, 1990. - 1992., articles on European literature, history, arts, mythology, theatre festivals in the monthly magazine Gigantica, 2002. - 2006.; stories for children-broadcasted by the public radio station-Romania Tineret programme, 2001. - 2006., reports and articles about Romanian theatre for children and education at international events (festivals, forums, seminars)

Languages known English, French.



- Member of Epicentre children theatre centre since 2003.

- Representing Teatrul Ion Creanga in Small size Association, 2006.



Office Phone: +4021-3171169
